Simón Román in David Guitars

Simón Román in David Guitars

Simón Román The flamenco singer Simón Román visits us, introducing his new album “Ya Llegó la hora”.The Marbella singer is undoubtedly one of the purest flamenco cantaores that we have left. Simón Román has shared the stage around the world with artists such as...
Antonio Rey visits us

Antonio Rey visits us

Antonio Rey visits us The international guitarist Antonio Rey visits us presenting his new album “Camino al alma”.This guitarist and composer is the winner of several national and international flamenco guitar competitions, including Córdoba National...
Happy and prosperous 2020

Happy and prosperous 2020

Happy and prosperous 2020 One year leaves us and another new one comes into our lives. So we want to wish you a Happy New Year. This will be very special year for David Guitars for many reasons, and a very special one because we have a new website and hope, a lot of...
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